Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have listened to numerous podcasts, but haven't really thought about podcasting until I considered the population my school library serves. We have many ESL students and families in our district. Perhaps we could podcast school and library news and information in English and other languages. Of course, we would need to rely upon ESL support, but those staff members who are now translating for our schools may find it more useful to also podcast.

23 Things Recommended

I would give this course five out of five stars. When a teacher asked me this week to help her set up a college course for beginning teachers which will include the use of WebQuests, I thought of first showing her Delicious to help her and her students research, bookmark and organize their resources. I will also have her add Web 2.0 resources to her Delicious bookmarks. I’ll show her Quest Garden for the WebQuest, and PBWiki and Wetpaint for collaboration and coursework feedback. I’ll show her Skype and TeacherTube for live communication and video sharing. Thank you for giving me the background in using these great Web 2.0 tools so I can pass it on.

Web 2.0 find I could have used this week. A patron came to me wanting an obscure book published forty+ years ago. She did not have a title, nor author. She told me some details from the story, and luckily I was able eventually find the book since one of the libraries in our district still had a copy listed in their on-line catalog. I did test drive by looking for a book I treasured as a child, giving neither title nor author. did find a few copies of the book. However, if the book hadn't been listed for sale on this site, I may have needed to look for it on new and used. Not all listings in have full descriptions of the subject matter of the book, so it may be difficult determining if a given book is the one you are seeking. Having another source for out-of-print books is useful....if at first you don't succeed.....